January 07, 2011

Out of Your Mind Not to Outsource?

I was recently asked to ponder what aspect of my business I would wish to outsource if given the chance.  Giving up
(in part) responsibility in management or allowing the flexibility of change in any capacity of control needs time for consideration and planning.  It got me thinking:  Am I out of my mind if I do not outsource?  

Club Creative Studio Protective Pouches.
Outsourced for creation from my Mother.
I think, however that you need to know yourself well enough to know if you are overwhelmed, over worked or are even open to the idea of taking on help from others in order to free your time for other aspects of your business.  Sometimes growth is the main reason for interest in outsourcing some of your tasks, sometimes it might be the idea of just being able to focus that extra time on an aspect that needs more of your attention. And for me an even better reason is that someone else can simply do the job better than myself. Enter...stage right- My Mother!

My Mom- creative seamstress.
I do already happily outsource one aspect of my business.  My fantastic Mother helps me by contributing her creative sewing skills.  She hand-sews each of the protective pouches that Club Creative Studio includes with each purchase.  She also designed our special tags.

She loves helping me, it gives her something to do in her day, she can definitely do it better and quicker, than I could.  She can be trusted, and she has the level of creativity and quality that I expect.  I know I have found at least one great helper that lightens my load and also provides something that I need in my everyday art transactions.  Cheers to my great Mother!

If you are able to mega-task and do your things effectively then I do not see any immediate need to pass on your chores to anyone else.  If you are that type A that can manage time, health, and wealth then I say; keep up the good work and share with others how you do that.  For me, the timing has to be right for me to welcome an extra hand.  It seems that at certain times, the business needs extra help in preparations.  Any major gift-giving holiday for example requires me to be extra prepared with inventory.  I know that I also like to have items on hand for future use. The stock-pile is important for me to maintain too.  I appreciate knowing that I have enough of our hand-made fabric pouches to coordinate with hand-made art. 

I  also have to determine the need level .  If I get to the point when I am not happy with spreading myself so thin- that would be at a point to consider outsourcing.   It is true that one person can not be in two places at the same time.  For that reason, you may want to keep the idea of outsourcing in the back of your mind or at the forefront as well.

And of course you have to deal with the issue of trust.  Can you locate a person or have faith in the system or work ethic of someone else to do the job just as you would or even better?  I know finding those characteristics are hard.  That is why I have people who might fit the short list that are qualified and willing to help as outside helpers if needed seasonally.  The other aspect to consider is funding.  How would you fund the services someone provides to you?  What would you offer as adequate or satisfactory payment?  Could you offer a trade of services?  It is sure an option that I have offered, swapping art for help.

Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.   Elizabeth Bibesco


  1. Hi Veronica, your post hit the nail on the head for me. I am in the vicious circle of needing to outsource as I don't have the time to do or learn everything but I don't have the $ to outsource. At the moment I need someone to just take all my website/IT challenges and do it all for me. Where is my magic genie when I need them?

  2. I can suggest where you can find "Genie". Are you near a community college or university? Call or visit with a computer or another field related instructor that may be able to suggest a highly motivated student who can be interviewed to meet your qualifications or duties. High school honor students need SAT service hours and maybe a teacher or guidance counselor can announce the opportunity. Stay-at-home Moms may appreciate doing a little something on the side and maybe they are more flexible? Thinking of people that have time is the key here. If it takes time from your day- it will also take time for someone else, it just may take less time if they are faster at the task than you are. Just ask! Maybe someone with a kind heart that just wants to stay busy or improve their skills or get experience is all you need. Is the person that lives next store busy? Can you partner-up with someone and trade tisk for task? I would suggest that you know exactly what you need, take time to train, and make sure you can trust. If it is a matter of just posting your website items, someone can do this job with examples to follow. If you need content, you may still have to wrtie what you want but then have them punch it into your website. Also, there are people that do things like this for a living. You may be investing some cash for the services but...time is $. You need to be able to justify doing or not doing aspects of your business yourself. I have a short list of people that help me and I have turned to family first. Share solutions once you get them and good luck, thanks too for posting. As you an see, I have not oursourced this task!

