January 30, 2011

Got a Minute?

Time and time again we stop to analyze where our time goes.  Do we waste it away?  Do we need more of it?  How can we get more by making changes and using it differently?  If you have a minute, or two... read on.

There are many "two-minute" tasks that we can do in a day and have the satisfaction of knowing that we were productive in a short amount of time in a day.  You may not think of two minutes as large chunks of time  to do much of anything.  But, learning to identify tasks that do not require too much effort can lead to more time management habits.

By doing small tasks in a day, you do feel productive.  You utilize your time that can easily be wasted otherwise, and the purpose is to handle short actions immediately.  Freeing time can add more time into your day to do what you love.  And I know that I need more time in my day to do what I love- create art.  I have a list of a few suggestions that can be done within a two minute time frame.  Maybe it will help you look at your day and check off simple tasks within it.

Try these time tested tasks:                                                                                         
  • Clean the kitchen sink
  • Write a few thank you notes
  • Change bed sheets
  • Make a Keurig brand beverage
  • Reply to an e-mail
  • Make a journal entry
  • Make a brief phone or text message
  • Load the dishwasher
  • Sweep the floor
  • Water the plants
  • Feed the animals
  • Balance a page in a checkbook
  • Clean out your purse or wallet
  • Make a short errand list
  • Run computer backup program
  • Check air pressure in your car tires
  • Order flowers for a friend
  • Say a prayer
  • Think of the topic of your next blog!

The whole point is to discriminate between actions that are too short to put on a list and ones that are too long to start without becoming side tracked from higher priorities.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful concept, Veronica, and it looks as though we really can get a lot accomplished in two minutes!

    I think most of us just don't stop to "tally" up those quick little tasks we get done as we move through the day. I bet if we did, we'd all have a list a quarter of a mile long. :)

