January 06, 2011

Don't Expect the Expected- Take the Unbeaten Path

It is my continuous hope that our world's youth continues to have inspiring art teachers and creative influences in their developing artistic lives.  Sometimes, I miss the structured days I had as an art education teacher where I knew daily that I had the unique and direct opportunity to guide and influence my students to connect with their inner creative thoughts. 

When I ran across a comical  and  out-of-the-box read today, I immediately thought of a past lesson plan I implemented that brought about similar creative and humorous results.  My assignment had a focus to redesign a cereal box and put a "religious spin" on the new product, since I worked at a Catholic school at that time.  When their boxes were complete we set the stage for display on tables with bowls and such to blend with the breakfast  theme.  The students not only created unique products but, also had fun with the play on words for captions and ingredient listings on  their packaging.  Projects that allow our minds to expand from the norm or what is expected as ordinary help us develop more creatively in our thoughts.  Changing outcomes from the expected to the unexpected are what give us expression and shows imagination.

Here's an online example I found crediting: CreativeThink.  It presents what might have been an unexpected commercial with a focus for Michael Phelps in mind.  Could this have really ever been on television?  Well... if the price was right?

What new off-beat product endorsement ideas do you have for
Michael? How can you help him cash in? Feel free to add a fun tag-line in as well.

"Hi folks, Michael Phelps here. I swam so fast at the Beijing Olympics that it was a real pain in the butt for a lot of my competitors. But I don't want them mad at me. No, I want them to like me. That's why I recommend Preparation H to them. Quick and soothing. You should give it a try too. It'll put a gold-medal smile on your face."

What off-beat product endorsement ideas do you have for Michael?

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